Ben 10

Monday, July 7, 2008
Big chill
Big Chill is a blue, insect/moth-like alien. Both his wings and antennae can even fold up, making him look like a ghost or a phantom. He also has some attributes of a ghost, as he can turn invisble and can pass through objects. He can also breath out ice and even freeze the objects that he passes through.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Chromastone has a similar resemblance to Diamondhead. But unlike him, chromastone is made up of living crystal, not diamond. He can absorb energy and shoot it back in different colours of laser blasts and can even allow the energy blasts to just pass through him harmlessly, making him nearly invulnarable to any attacks. What's more, he also has super-strength.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Humongosaur is a huge, dinosaur like alien, with amazing strength and the ability to grow bigger to about 100 feet. His strength is related to his size, making him stronger as he grows bigger. In his original form, he stands at 12 feet tall, the same size as Fourarms.
Friday, May 23, 2008
SpiderMonkey, as the name suggests, is a Monkey with spider-like abilities. He is blue with with a total of 6 legs and a tail. He has superhuman agility, like Wildmutt and can shoot out web like a spider, and even stick to walls.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Brainstorm is a crab-like alien with super intelligence, like Grey Matter. He has about the same level of intelligence as Grey Matter. But, he can control different types of electrical energy and can even project force fields.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Echo Echo
Echo Echo is a small grey alien with the ability to clone himself to an unlimited amount, like Ditto. But unlike Ditto, his clones are all separate beings. So if one dies, the rest still won't. He also has the ability to release a sonic scream, which can pulverize glass, and to some extent, vehicles. And at a certain position of his clones and at a certain pitch, he can delflect some ranged-attacks. (Missles, laser blasts etc.)
Part 3
Sorry I still haven't posted anything for soooo long... Was busy... Anyway, here is Part 3 of this Blog... All about Ben 10: Alien Force
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Forever King
The Forever King was said to be the real legendary king/leader of the Forever knights. Even more powerful than Enoch himself. Like the rest of the team, The Forever king's identity is unknown. But he is extremely big and powerful, maybe even the same size as Fourarms, or even bigger. He has an extremely powerful shield platelet on his chest. This proven when Upchuck swollowed that platelet, and shot out a gigantic burst of energy back at him.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sublimino is also a magician, but his method was to hypnotize people to do his robberies for him. He carries an old chain watch with him and says, "Welcome, today I am going to take you through a journey to the mysterious realm known as the mind..." Although he has power, he short and not much of a fighter as he is not strong and can be easily stopped. He can also be rendered useless if his old chain watch is gone.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Charmcaster is Hexlord's niece and also a magician. But, unlike her uncle, she dosen't carry a staff. She carries a magical bag of tricks. Some examples are:
Mini clay figures that rapidly grow to be sent out to attack
Explosives charms
Metal rings that can be shot out or can also grow to big sizes
For a young magician, Charmcaster is powerful. With the ability to levitate, shoot out blasts of energy and use spells, that's how Charmcaster got her name. Her bag also seems to be "living". It can jump around until it reaches back to her side and can even hold Hexlord's staff. This being virtually impossible as the bag is somewhat small yet it can still carry the staff which is several feet tall.
Mini clay figures that rapidly grow to be sent out to attack
Explosives charms
Metal rings that can be shot out or can also grow to big sizes
For a young magician, Charmcaster is powerful. With the ability to levitate, shoot out blasts of energy and use spells, that's how Charmcaster got her name. Her bag also seems to be "living". It can jump around until it reaches back to her side and can even hold Hexlord's staff. This being virtually impossible as the bag is somewhat small yet it can still carry the staff which is several feet tall.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Dr. Vicktor
Dr. Vicktor was the last of the three aliens whose DNA was absorbed into the Omnitrix, giving Ben the new alien, Benvicktor. He was also working for Ghostfreak, his mission to direct the Mummy and the Wolf. Benvicktor is a Frankenstein-like alien, disguising himself as a Human working in a space station, partially to prepare to launch the Mummy into space. He has an extremely high amount of endurance, able to take a few laser blasts and other attacks without even moving from the same spot. He also seems to have very good reflexes, being able to stop XLR8 from doing a suprise attack on him. Dr. Vicktor's powers are similar to Benvicktor's, with an electro-magnetic body, the ability to shoot out bolts of electricity, and to control and generate electricity. The differences is that Dr. Vicktor has a large left eye both are purple, and generates purple electricity, whereas BenVicktor has two normal sized green eyes, and generates purple electricity.
The Mummy
The Mummy was another one of the Aliens absorbed into the Omnitrix, Giving Ben the new Alien, Benmummy. The Mummy was also working for ghostfreak, his mission to control everything from space. The mummy also has similar powers to BenMummy, with the ability to send out many tentacles from anywhere over his Body. Although BenMummy talks, the Mummy was mute, not speaking at all. The differences between Benmummy and the Mummy is that the Mummy's eyes, and the silts between his arms and legs are purple, and his head is slightly bigger. Whereas Benmummy's eyes, and slits between his arms and legs are green, and his head is slightly smaller.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Wolf
The Wolf was one of the aliens whose DNA was absorbed into the Omnitrix, giving Ben the new alien, Benwolf. At first people thought that The Wolf was the Yenaldooshi, the wolf-creature of Bad-luck. But after a failed attempt of trying to destroy it with a sliver pendant, they realized that he was actually an alien. With similar powers to Benwolf, The Wolf also has the sonic howl. But the difference is that The Wolf's eyes and sonic howl is Purple in colour, whereas Benwolf's eyes and sonic howl is Green in colour. Later, the people realized that The Wolf was one of the aliens working for Ghostfreak. His mission was to control a network reciever in New Mexico.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Clancy is a Bug-Guy, literally. He lives in his old home, which looks like it was about to collapse anytime. He has complete control over bugs, giving him the ability to send out a large amount of poisonous insects like Hornets, Black Widow Spiders, and many more to attack. He can also cover his body in cockroaches, to make it a "Bug-Suit", allowing him to withstand fires and radiation.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Vulcanus is a Detrovite who was working with Six Six to help him create an explosive chemical which was powerful enough to destroy an entire galaxy. He has extremely strong armor which can withstand even lava. Matching his strong armor, he also has immense strength. He might even be stronger than Fourarms, but he is not bigger than him.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ghostfreak (True form)
GhostFreak was originally from the Omnitrix, But like he said, his consciousness even exists in even a small strand of his DNA. So technically, he has been alive in the Omnitrix the whole time. When he reveals his true form, he has an advantage but at the same time, a disadvantage. The Advantage was that he became more powerful. But by revealing his true form, he ripped out his sun-shielded skin, making his weakness sunlight. His true form is:
-A skeletal Head with his mouth above his eye
-One pinkish eye below his mouth
-An even hoarser voice
-A larger, stronger body
-More eye tracks around his body
-Spikes growing out of his shoulders
-Several large, strong tentacles sticking out of his stomach
He can also fire out a laser beam from his tentacles from his stomach. He has also learnt how to possess people now and any attacks cannot harm him.
-A skeletal Head with his mouth above his eye
-One pinkish eye below his mouth
-An even hoarser voice
-A larger, stronger body
-More eye tracks around his body
-Spikes growing out of his shoulders
-Several large, strong tentacles sticking out of his stomach
He can also fire out a laser beam from his tentacles from his stomach. He has also learnt how to possess people now and any attacks cannot harm him.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Enoch is the leader of a gang called the Forever Knights, a gang of knights who find alien artefacts and extracts parts from them to upgrade their own weapons like laser blades and laser staffs. Their base is a castle an their identities are unknown as they wear maetal masks over their faces all the time.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hexlord is a highly experienced sorcerer, with the ability to fire out bolts of lightning and lasers with his magical staff. Not only is he armed with a magical staff, he also has 5 charms, each with maximized abilities of fire, reincarnation, luck, flight and levitation. He also seems to have a high amount of endurance.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Kraab was the other bounty hunter sent by Vilgax. He was mostly mechanical and is armed with several powerful weapons. His right hand is a huge crab-like claw, hence the name. His claw can even smash metal by crushing it. When he opens his claws, there is also a blaster inside which fires out an assortment of lasers or chemicals that could aid him in battle. he also has a laser samurai sword to shred metal. His mode of transport is mainly digging underground by spinning his four pincer-like legs rapidly to create a drill.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Six Six
Six Six was one of the bounty hunters sent out by Vilgax to retrieve the Omnitrix. He is well armed and fully covered in armour, not revealing any part of him. He has gadget compartments located all around his armour, and armed with:
A Missile launcher
Blaster rifle
Grenades (Stun/Explosive)
Jet pack
Laser hand-held Saw blade
Electro-repelling beam (shorts out computer systems)
He also has weird stubby arms coming out of his shoulders to help him launch grenades while he is firing his other weapons.
A Missile launcher
Blaster rifle
Grenades (Stun/Explosive)
Jet pack
Laser hand-held Saw blade
Electro-repelling beam (shorts out computer systems)
He also has weird stubby arms coming out of his shoulders to help him launch grenades while he is firing his other weapons.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Acid Breath
Acid Breath is the last of the three of Zombozo's minions. Like his name suggests, Acid Breath has Acid Breath. He is supposedly to be the leader of the trio. With the ability to spit out acid from his mouth in liquid or vapour form, he can use his acid to corrode even an anvil within seconds. Although he has the ability to corrode almost everything, by jamming his mouth with anything, including something as simple as paper balls, it prevents him from destroying anything.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Thumb Skull
Thumb Skull is another one of Zombozo's Minions. He has a hulking body, with incredible strength and endurance. The shape and hairstyle of head also looks like a thumb, hence, the name. Thumb Skull can actually 'break' an iron bar into two, defining him as a very strong guy.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Frightwig is a girl minion of Zombozo's circus. She has the ability to control her hair and use it as extra hands/tentacles. Her hair also has some strength, allowing her to even bend a thick bar of iron. She also has added some metal ball bearings to the tips of her hair, allowing her to swing them at people, using them as weapons.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Zombozo was a vampire-like creature disguised as a ringmaster/clown in a circus. He feeds on other people's happiness, and fills them with sadness and tiredness. Originally coming from the words Zombie and Bozo, he would use his tricks to distract and feed on other people's happiness while he sends out his three minions, Frightwig,Thumbskull, and Acid breath, to steal the riches of the city that they were traveling in.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Kevin 11
Kevin 11 was originally a human with the ability to absorb energy to use it for himself. But after a fight with Ben, he accidentally absorbed the Omnitrix's power allowing him to shape shift into the 10 aliens of the Omnitrix. But, he used his powers for too long and all the 10 aliens' DNA got mixed into his own DNA, turning him into a freak, permanently. But he has all the 10 aliens' DNA:
Fourarms's body structure and his left eyes
Diamond head's right arm
Heatblast's left arm
Wildmutt's lower arms
Upgrade's back
Stinkfly's wings
Ripjaw's antennae
Grey matter's right eye
Ghostfreak's eye tracks
XLR8's tail
But, his powers have a downfall. Because he has 10 aliens' DNA, he only has 1 tenth of every aliens' powers. But, by combining his powers together, it makes up for his loss of power. For example: He can combine Stinkfly's goo+Heatblast's fire to create an explosive.
Fourarms's body structure and his left eyes
Diamond head's right arm
Heatblast's left arm
Wildmutt's lower arms
Upgrade's back
Stinkfly's wings
Ripjaw's antennae
Grey matter's right eye
Ghostfreak's eye tracks
XLR8's tail
But, his powers have a downfall. Because he has 10 aliens' DNA, he only has 1 tenth of every aliens' powers. But, by combining his powers together, it makes up for his loss of power. For example: He can combine Stinkfly's goo+Heatblast's fire to create an explosive.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Dr. Animo
Dr. Animo was once a research scientist doing research on animal when he was arrested for illegal experimentations on animals. When he was released from prison, he spent his life in secrecy, until he came out, with green skin, and a new plan, to take over the world. He has created a new device called the "transmodulater", with the ability to maximize any animal to its full potential and recreate any dead living creature, including a prehistoric dinosaur or mammoth.
Vilgax is Ben's toughest enemy by far. He seems to be immune to a lot of attacks. Some of them are, Heatblast's fireballs, Diamondhead's diamond shards, Fourarms' strength, cannonbolt's cannonball ram, and a lot more. He is a gigantic alien, being the same size as Fourarms, or possibly even bigger. He has immense strength and endurance, and he also has some machinery in his arms which allow his arms to grow to an even bigger size, giving him even more strength.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Eye Guy
Eye Guy is an alien with a body covered in eyes, hence his name. But Ironically, he has no eyes on his face. He has a big eye on his stomach and he has a body covered in green eyes of every size, making it impossible for anybody to sneak up on him. He controls every eye and can see from different points of view. But, he can also use his eyes to shoot out beams and lasers. What's more, he can combine a few eyes together to make a bigger eye, producing an even more powerful beam.
Way Big
Like his name suggests, Way big is THE largest alien in the Omnitrix. Standing at a height of 100 feet tall, he was locked away deep inside the Omnitrix. He can crush an entire army with just a stomp of his foot. His massive body also gives him added strength and endurance. Giving him to the ability to protect himself from laser-based attacks from droids or fling an object far away into space.
Ditto is an alien with the ability to duplicate himself to an unlimited amount. Even when he clones himself to any amount, his power is still not divided into fractions, which is a good thing because then each Ditto would still have the same amount of power as the oringinal Ditto. But he has a downslide which is that when one Ditto gets injured, all of the other Dittos will also feel the pain. So, if one Ditto dies off, all of the other Dittos will also die off.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Articguana is a reptile-like alien who has power over ice. He can create it, freeze stuff with it, create special platforms with it, and shoot out ice shards with it. He is generally blue in colour and, everytime he talks, there is a cold air coming out of his mouth. He can also freeze up water or anything else within seconds.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Buzzshock is a Small, green, electrical alien that looks like a battery, except that his eyes glow green and he has a huge amount of green electricity zapping around his head. His powers are similar to Benvicktor, but Buzzshock can actually control electricity and absorb it too. He can also short out any mechanical object, rendering them useless.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Like the name suggests, Spitter is a blowfish-like alien who has the ability to spit out acids at high pressures. First, he sucks his stomach in for a few moments, and then he spits out a huge spray of acid at anyone or anything, giving him the ability to push enemies away and give himself some space.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Upchuck is a somewhat small, green alien with the ability to eat anything up that is non-organic, or, man-made with his four sticky, elastic and strong tongues. But the best thing about his power is that he can spit out whatever he ate with explosive force and pin-point accuracy! Also, for a little alien, he can withstand a high amount of damage or injury.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Benvicktor is the last of the three aliens to be absorbed into the omnitrix. With an electromagnetic body, Benvicktor is mostly a robot-like alien. He has metal gloves which can shoot out electricty or even electric bolts. He has two metal receptors growing out of his back. They help to conduct electricity, giving him the ability to shoot out more powerful electric bolts.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Benmummy is also another alien not from the omnitrix but absorbed into it. With the ability to stretch his body arms and legs into extreme lengths, he also has powers somewhat like wildvine. But, he can activate more extra tentacles from his arms or back. Being made of paper,he can also float about in air for a longer time and he can also dodge attacks by opening holes in his body. He also has the ability to grow back his lost limbs and he can even control his lost limbs.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Benwolf is (like the name suggests), a wolf-like alien. An alien not coming from the omnitrix but rather absorbed into it, Benwolf was thought to be a south american werewolf. With wolf like powers, he actually has an incredible amount of strength, agility and speed. He also has sharp claws and has a special attack where his mouth splits up into four, allowing him to release a sonic howl.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wildvine is a plant-like alien. He has the ability to extend his arms,legs or body to extreme lengths, shoot explosive seed pods from his back, activate sharp thorns to shoot out of his body and move around underground by closing the two protectors around his shoulders to transform into a sharp drill-shaped body. Like all plants, Wildvine works best in sunlight, but his weakness is poisonous chemicals.
Cannonbolt is a big alien with the ability to roll into a cannonball and bounce of multiple items causing lots of damage. He has yellow pads on his shoulders, arms, back and legs. He can roll into a ball within seconds and ram into stuff, knocking it, or even breaking it down. He can also use his pads to protect himself and deflect shots. He can also protect other people by rolling into a ball with someone inside.
Heatblast is a fiery alien coming from a sun more than a planet. With the ability to control fire shoot it fire balls from his hands, and to absorb both heat and flames, he can burn things to the ground within seconds. His skin is made from mostly molten rocks and magma trails.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Ghostfreak is the scariest alien in Ben's alien arsenal. With all ghost-like powers, he can phase through walls, become invisible, and all attacks will go through him. He even has a special attack which is to reveal a bit of his true form and his tentacles coming out of is body. He has a ghostly figure and a scary, hoarse voice to match.
Stinkfly is an insect-like alien. He has the ability to fly, sting with with his sharp tail, and shoot goo from his four eyes and mouth. But Stinkfly has a weakness. He can't go into water for two reasons. Firstly, he can't swim. Secondly, if his wings are hit by water, he won't be able to fly as his wings are too wet.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Ripjaws is a fish-like alien with Extremely sharp claws and a row of sharp teeth. He has amazing swimming abilites and can morph his legs into a fin when he is underwater and back to legs when he is on land. But he has a weakness which is that he can't stay on land for a long time and after a few minutes, he will need to go back in water.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Diamondhead is one of the common aliens that Ben uses. With the ability to morph his hands into weapons that are as strong and as sharp as diamond, he has a body that is tougher than diamond to match. He can morph his hands into crude weapons (Eg. diamond pikes or diamond sword-like objects) and take down his enemies with them. Being made up of diamond, he can also reflect light and beam based weapons.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Upgrade is a liquid-like alien which can take over any mechanical object, and literally upgrade it, inserting more weapons and gadgets,making whatever he takes over stronger, faster, and indestructable. And also, since he is semi-liquid, upgrade can also escape through anything that has even the slightest hole. He can also dodge most attacks.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
XLR8 is a reptile-like alien with extreme speed. Running at speeds which can exceed 300mph (miles per hour), he can easily give enemies the slip and defeat them with his scissor sharp claws or whip them with his sturdy tail.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Grey Matter
Grey Matter is the smallest alien in the Omnitrix. Standing at a mere 5 inches tall, he can be easily squashed. But surprisingly, he is extremely agile and can easily stick or slide down any surface. He also has flexible bones to squeeze into tight spots or escape from his enemies. He is also the smartest alien in the Omnitrix as he can easily operate or sabotage any machine or create a new one with just spare parts or machinery.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Fourarms is one of the strongest aliens in Ben's alien arsenal. Standing at 12 feet tall(366 cm), Fourarms name tells it all. He has four big arms making him extremely strong. His strength also allows him to jump great distances, giving him the advantage of covering large areas. He also has armored skin, protecting him from several attacks.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A dog-like alien, Wildmutt is blind. But his heightened sense of smell and hearing makes up for his loss of sight. He also has sharp spines on his back which act as sensors. He can also shoot out the spines as weapons.
Introduction of The blog...
This is my second blog.. hope you like this one too as much as my first one...
Except that this one is a dedication to Ben 10...
(BTW, From this day onward, one alien description will be given until I run out of known aliens)
All the alien descriptions given were completely written by myself and they were not taken or copied from anywhere...
Except that this one is a dedication to Ben 10...
(BTW, From this day onward, one alien description will be given until I run out of known aliens)
All the alien descriptions given were completely written by myself and they were not taken or copied from anywhere...
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